The Good Life France

When successful London banker Janine Marsh was gripped by the (to her) ridiculous idea of owning a ramshackle farmhouse in seriously rural France, she did not toss it off – Ta ta and all that. Instead, she rallied her disbelieving husband, Mark, and before the couple...

La Séduction, Interrupted

  We sat in the salon and talked of what went wrong.  Heartbreak had happened, for sure, but Candy couldn’t convince me a love life in Paris would be that much better than the mess I left in San Francisco.  There, my boyfriend shed me like his head had his hair –...

Beach Days

A brilliant, beautiful day at the beach – perfect for a death march. This is what friends call my barefoot beach walks. There is no lollygagging, no sauntering. This is a walk with speed and purpose. Yes, I notice the dolphins that frolic. Naturally, when it’s the...

An Apartment in Paris

  When Colette O’Connor’s thoroughly American mother, who in a previous life likely lost her head to the guillotine, given how thoroughly French she felt, in this life lost her heart to an apartment in Paris, what else could Colette do? She quit her job, pocketed...

The Miracle of Pierre

Worlds away in a Paris pet shop, true love awaits     The phone buzzed in its foreign French way, buzz-buzz, buzz-buzz. “Allô?” “I had to put Terrence down.” It was my brother George, calling from San Francisco. The pain in his voice, the disbelief, traveled...

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